Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another Historical Moment

Pito got his ticket for the game, and got ready to watch some live football right in Glendale's Cardinal Stadium.
Pito sat and watched the Arizona Cardinals wondering what would happen today.
He was nervous in the beginning as the Dolphins seemed to dominate the game by scoring and scoring and keeping the football all to themselves!

Then.... the Cardinals scored, then the Dolphins, then the Cardinals, the score was tied!! 
As Pito watched his excitement grew!!
There is nothing like watching history in the making!! The Cardinals were going into OVERTIME!!
Pito jumped up and did back-flips while waiting on the call, who would get the ball???

Pito watched and waited.
The Cardinals got the ball, but then they did nothing with it and the Dolphins got the ball. But then the Cardinals had the ball again..... They got to kick.
IT WAS GOOD!!!! The Cardinals are 4-0

Pito was thrilled and stayed till the very last minute before they turned out the lights.
This is our house!!!!
Buh-bye Dolphins, it was a fun, terrifying game. =)

History is made, the Cardinals have not been 4-0 since 1974!
Pito celebrates with a banana shake and Nilla® Wafers.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Needs snacks

Silly little monkey needed to come to the grocery with me, he was being very good. It wasn't a fancy day or a fancy trip, but I am glad to have him along. He is good quiet company.
He got spotted in the check out line by the cashier who was very friendly to him.
Turns out that she likes monkeys too ;)

Friday, September 28, 2012

This little piggy.... and a snake??

Pito went shopping with me this afternoon at lunch and fell in love with this little piggy, he was afraid (Thanks  to the wonderful bedtime stories This Little Piggy went to Market) that this little piggy was going to I tried to explain to go shopping at the market, but he wanted to rescue the little piggy, I gave in. NOW he wants to take his piggy to the fair. I told him we'll see. I can't imagine bringing such a little piggy to the fair, he might get lost or sold on auction. So Pito is holding on to him tight.

I took Pito to his first DBacks game in town, he happens to love baseball very much!
He wanted to see everything in Phoenix as it was his first trip into the big city.
He found a little hang out.
Then he ran into an ancient communication device which fascinated him.
As he neared the gate he realized that he found a gigantic baseball and he had to go see if he could bring it home, but it was much too big, so he settled for a pose on the enormous orb.
Once inside the stadium he found a cactus that didn't have pointy spines, he climbed it immediately and sat in the crook of the arm. He liked this spot very much and would have stayed the whole game but for the fact that he couldn't see a single thing on the field.
So we carried on.
We walked around and found a neat hot dog cart, above it we found out something intriguing!! How to make a bat, baseball and glove!!! That was cool.
Before the game and the during the first inning we tailgated and then had snacks.

By the 8th inning we were sure we were going to win so we goofed off while they played the last few minutes of the game. 
Then the DBacks WON!!!!!!!
We played hide and seek and waited for the lightrail, not to ride, just to watch.

Now this is one sleepy monkey.
Good night Pito.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


The server is down at work, so all I am doing is fielding calls explaining that the server went down. It frees up my hands to braid fabric handles for my bandana purses. Pito thought the braiding looked easy, so he jumped in to help.

It was messy LOL
After a little training and a lot of trying Pito got it....
Yay Pito!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hubby took me out to lunch today to chat and enjoy an hour together.
I (out of habit) brought Pito along for the ride.
As I was minding my own business, chatting away with hubby, I turned from a french fry, reached for a sip of my drink....

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Treats, Goodies and the Farmer's Market Oh My!

Pito was sitting at my desk waiting for lunchtime, today is the farmers market and he would like to wander through, and while waiting he was given a bunch of treats from Doris and Martha. How sweet of them.
(Of course they don't deal with a hyper little monkey when they go home each night) but I will put them in his backpack and allow him to eat them one a day for the next few days ;)

SO Pito went for a buggy ride around the farmers market. He found a honey man, and a cheese man, and a woman with fruits and veggies. He tried Meatballs for lunch and got a few jalapenos to sit with, not eat!! He also found some tables asking people to register to vote, to join clubs and to register their bikes.

Then he saw watermelons!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Pito helps

What an amazing little helper!! Pito is helping me fold little recycle gift bags for my chocolate treats right now. We take a magazine page that we think is interesting or pretty or masculine and we are folding them into little baskets, in time we will add trim, and decorations and handles. For now we are just finding cool pages and folding them up.
It is one of my favorite projects.

I will add handles from some different materials, yarn, string, and twine. 
I will also add stickers for the littler recipients. 

I can hardly wait to give them out.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday night!!

Pito is a huge Cardinals fan (you'll see as the season progresses) here he is with the Eagles v. Cardinals ticket. He didn't get to go to the game, but he watched it on TV. He had a lot of fun cheering, swinging from room to room free as a lark. Since he is a native Arizonan you will find that he loves pretty much all Arizona things. 
  • DBacks
  • The Grand Canyon
  • The Petrified Forest
  • Dinosaurs
  • And all things cactus =) 
I think he likes roadrunners as well; well we think… we haven't caught one just yet to see, but we have added it to his bucket list. 
Go Cardinals!! 

Oppps Saturday at the Zoo

Well yesterday was so much fun traveling around the zoo.
We took the train and found monkey's, zebra, dragons, and orangutans.
We ate Animal crackers, drank a lot of ice water and had a really fun time.
Then we came home and slept until Sunday morning.

Here is a snap shot of our fun day.
Here Pito is enjoying an owl cookie. That was his choice, in case it made him wiser ;)
Pito sat very quietly on the train, and we had a lot of fun looking for the tiger and howling monkeys. They were asleep.

Komodo Dragon!!! This was a really cool statue, and real life dragon in the background, Pito was both excited and terrified. 
Here Pito is posing with the monkey village sign, there are a lot of different monkey family members in the world. He was visiting with many cousins. 

Monkeying around as usual, Pito is playing on another statue. This time of an antelope outside of an eating area near the lake.

Last photo of the day, Pito enjoying a beautiful Saturday in the sun with a zebra looking on, he had so much fun playing, eating, and sitting in the misters. It was a fun day!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Pito makes me laugh

I'm not sure not to take this photo, here I am listening to 80's music at my desk and I look over and Pito is break dancing?? Bored out of his mind?? I'll bet he is doing Zumba since I am... copy cat!! er... copy monkey...

I took him to the store this evening, we were on the hunt for Candy Corn flavored Oreo cookies which have been rumored to be the best cookie on the market (I have been told)... didn't find them. BUT as I was going into the checkout I looked back at the snickering sound, Pito found a treat he couldn't leave the store without!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Shhhhhh Pito stayed up way too late last night.
He needs to sleep a while longer.
Little monkey pirates should not stay up past midnight eating cookies and drinking koolaid.
Pito found a cookie that matched his cute little face.
He wanted to share it with y'all. He spent the day helping me organize my office.
His reward for all of his hard work was going to bed early, given that tomorrow is Friday and a HUGE weekend on the horizon, he needs all the sleep he can get now. Stay tuned =)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

National Talk like a Pirate Day

This is a spoiled little monkey, don't you think? He slept in and got up to find that Doris brought him his very own Almond Biscotti. He is going to eat it all so that he can have a lot of energy for the day, today is his favorite day of the week. Two days over, two days to go.... And sometime in the next few days he gets to visit the zoo, and he is beside himself  with anticipation!!

But he will focus on today... what adventures will Wednesday bring? He is going to find out soon....

Pito just found out that today marks the 10th anniversary of the worldwide celebration of International Talk like a Pirate Day. He was quite excited about this, so he wanted to dress up and be a Pirate for the rest of the day.
He is practicing his Pirate talk.
Shiver me timbers!
Yo Ho Ho!
So Pito made a quick stop to the as station for a snack. As a pirate he has decided that a fun way to celebrate the day would be to pillage and plunder. And one knows that is very hungry work, so a banana was on the menu and a bit of coffee that you can see he is trying to hide behind his back ;)

Sailing, sailing over the bounding main
Where many a stormy wind shall blow
'Ere Jack comes home again.

Shiver me Timbers!!! Pito found some bling! A princess crown and ring, cha ching!!! 
He "Secured them" From a treasure box that was "just lying around" and he grabbed the baubles and took off on a nearby vine, I heard him say as he swung out of sight. 

"eeee eeee ooooh oooh argh!!"

I am glad Pirate day is nearing the end.
What a naughty little monkey!