Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas trees and vultures

Wait till you see this picture.
There is a vulture in Pito's Christmas tree!!! No really!!

I have had more than one person say that we are weird. but Pito and I love this tree just fine.
And the Vultures name is Avvoltoio if you'd like to know. ^_^

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lottery Fever

Everyone has lottery fever, Pito and I do not, we didn't either one play and we didn't win as a result of not playing. However we do have our $2.00 and we are going to invest in ourselves by putting it into the bank today so that we can retire someday and travel.
The thing with the lottery is that it is a lot of fun to dream and wonder what you are going to do with the money. We did, I'll be honest. But the reality is that it never happens that way. So many of the lottery winners are miserable, broke and so many people try and take advantage of them that they no longer trust people. Doesn't seem like a "Win" to me.
I would rather dream a while and take my money and invest in NOW. If I was going to win millions and give away half, then I can take my $2.00 and give away half just the same.
And in fact we did.

No I didn't play.
We didn't win the millions.
But I have my same friends, my family, my home, my husband, my job, my little monkey and we are all doing great. I did win. 

Godfrey the Magician sent us a card trick

Godfrey the Magician sent us a card trick and a Herkimer the Mouse.
Pito has been trying to learn both of these tricks. I'll show you pictures for everything today now that my phone is working again. And you will see how cute a little monkey trying to learn magic can really be.
It is super cool knowing a magician.

He is great at his craft, which I am still in the firm belief is pure magic and not sleight of hand.
Godfrey can been seen on Youtube, on Facebook or here at my Godfrey the Magician Fan page.
Pito got cards in San Diego so he could just like Godfrey. And a notebook to take notes so he can learn to be as awesome as his new idol too.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Magic cards

We just learned how to make a magic card!!! I'll have to show you mine, but check out the tutorial we used, Pito loves Sock monkey so much!!!

How make sock monkey magic cards

We are going to try a few more of them today, but we need a few more materials.
I can hardly wait to get them made and show them off, what a fun little Christmas present don't you think?
Pito will stamp or sticker the cards and I will do the cutting.
We still need the plastic sheet that comes inside of the cards, we looked at Michael's, nope. Joann, nope, and so I was told to check Hobby Lobby, so we will go on the 8th and see, hopefully they have them, this is something we need to complete this project. We will set the magic cards aside, but it is nice to have the body of the cards finished.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday - Cyber Monday

Nope, I am not going to buy anything today either.
And stop telling me to hurry before you run out of this or that, your limited things are of no interest to me.
I would like less, simplify, not more.
And I won't buy "It" because you sang it to me in a lovely tune.

Pito and I are going to be in studio putting the last touches on our gifts.
We have 28 days till Christmas. More than enough time.

Sunday - Cardinals, Birthdays and eating

We didn't over eat until last night at Golden Corral. In our defense we hadn't eaten since 10am that morning. And honestly I thought I was as hungry as I had been in months. No I wasn't starving. Neither was Pito, but we were hungry.
That morning with Grandma the group of us went to Denny's and then church.

After which we took her home and drove to the Cardinal's game. They lost.
We won in a way, we got to walk around the stadium 6 times. So we got good exercise.

Oh yeah and then we walked around Glendale Glitter!! How could have I forgotten that??

Then to Cabela's for a return, then to dinner.
We wobbled home and I did homework well after Pito fell asleep.
I think I did homework well after I FELL asleep.

But it was a great day all the same.
I found out that I am a sojourner!! Just passing through....

Oh you said who had a birthday?
My BIL. I only have one. 

Saturday - Go Sundevils!!

We spent the day driving to the other side of town to watch for a client to buy a painting of ours, yes another painting sold, and we are rather happy about this.
We listened to music and hung out with grandma. Then a tad shopping at Michael's for a few Christmas boxes for $1.66 each and then home for a wonderful night of not doing anything.
Total spent, less than $12.00
Total earned over $75.00

We had our own Black Friday on Saturday.

Go Sundevils!!!!!!

Friday Black Friday

I have to remember that even though I can't post pictures from home that I still should be writing and letting you know what Pito is doing. I will make that a habit starting today for sure. That said, we spent all of Friday in the studio, painting a canvas for the Maricopa county fair in April. We have Christmas stockings started as well and for a HUGE shopping day (which we refused to participate in) we had a great great day.
We are enjoying that shopping is done already.
We are rejoicing in a painting that is looking really bright and cheerful.
We are happy that we could listen to music and paint all day.
Black Friday indeed.
We started the day in the studio by counting all of our money, we had saved up $11.24
At the end of Black Friday, we still have $11.24

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday Thanksgiving

Pito is grateful for his friends, and family.
He is super grateful for all the visitors to his blog.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Pito had a non-traditional Thanksgiving this year, so there won't be pictures this time. 
He had a great Thanksgiving and hopes you did too!!!

Wednesday - Pito is painting

This might not be what you are expecting, but after all Pito is a very young monkey and I can't give him my oils and acrylics just yet, so he is painting with markers and paper. he was given a Batman coloring book with a Phineas and Ferb one on the side. His favorite character in the world is Agent P and he is going to try and find that one next.

There are no Platypus at the Phoenix zoo, so the only way he can see them is to watch Phineas and Ferb.
He wants to be just like Phineas when he grows up. I for one am okay with that since it will give him a chance to play, build and grow outside of watching TV and playing video games. There is always a time and place for those things, but it should be after the sun goes down and your homework is done.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday - Pito has had enough

I think the newness of the music industry has taken a toll on Pito, and he is finished having musical fun, he is longing for a real adventure and to get out of the office and back to playing. So I told him I would takeover the music pieces and he could go and play. =)

Monday is still a music day

So we are back to it, this time adding in snippets of music and clips and blurbs and little music magic, and this is really where I like to play, finding the right sneeze or kissing sound. And adding that to the mix in a fashion that may or may not have been the writers original intent.
Ah well, I find it intriguing how much things can be modified.
I felt like a Mini Weird Al. He must go through the same process to make his music and parodies.
I'm jealous.

Sunday was the same

So Saturdays music edits were too long. I thought the project was to go short, and so I went from a program of 19 minutes to 8 minutes. Half is shorter right?
Come to find out shorter means the program should be 2 minutes at most!
Ohhhh okay I can do that, so we are back on the computer editing away, and whittling down the songs to phrases and words. I like the sounds, it is actually a lot of fun.

Saturday Music Project

Saturday we started on a music project for my homework. And we are getting very familiar with programs such as Goldwave and Acoustica, and in the process we are making music edits and music mixes. Which is really super cool.
We had a lot of fun working on several edits, while others were a little more challenging.
I am not a huge fan of fast to slow music, I don't mind listening to it, but to try and edit them together is not my favorite thing.

Friday, November 16, 2012


I really have to quit doing this, I will come home from a trip and bring everything from the truck to my drawers here at work and dump it in there until it is such a hassle to clean, look at poor Pito!!!
I felt so bad for him, in a moment it looked like a tornado hit my desk and tried to bury him alive =(

So I cleaned and purged.
AND cleaned and purged more.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Golden ticket?

You know that song? I got a golden ticket!!!

Well we had the golden coins from Wreck it Ralph that was really cool.
But today Pito made a new friend, her name is Henrietta, and she laid a Golden Egg!!!
We are most interested to see what hatches from this golden egg, so Pito is going to keep it warm all night long and see what happens tomorrow morning =)
He is very excited and curious as monkeys tend to be.
This is a wonderful day!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Learning a new language

I am impressed that Pito is trying to learn a new language at all, I mean he speaks monkey and English, but this is good, I encourage education. Now I have no idea what these maps and cookies say, but I will not discourage him.

Monday Observing our Veterans

Today we remember those who are serving, the families that sacrifice by giving us their dads, moms, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and extended families.
Thank you Veterans.

Sunday. Thank you to all of our Veterans

Friday, November 9, 2012


We have homework on the brain.
Charts, 7 habits and all kinds of music files.
Time for a coffee break.

Pito is trying to learn some new words, I think he likes the circus pictures the best!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's Sew-sew

Tonight we made a sewing book.
Or a fabric pin cushion.
That's one and the same. A round pin cushion won't fit in Grandma's drawer, so we made a flat portable sewing needle book last night, this way it closes into the drawer and it is easy to use and not prick our fingers or prehensile tails.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Creating memories

Today is my Grandpa's birthday, he was my hero, and no one misses him as much as I do.
I loved him so much, I loved everything about his creativity, his demeanor, and his ability to teach me money, how to act toward people and how to be a hard worker, not through language, but through example.

This is a scrapbook of one of my favorite memories with him, going to the Phoenix zoo, we would go often and walk around and I remember him walking just slightly ahead of us kids as letting us explore our surroundings. We would stop, he would stop. We would ask questions and he would answer them as I recall as correctly as possible.

I miss you Grandpa.
I love you and I thank you for your example to me every day I had you.
Thank you for teaching me through love and doing.
I will miss you until we are together again someday.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!!! <3

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


One of the things I enjoy doing to relax are called zentangles.
I was showing Pito how to draw them for the fun of it, and he drew what he knew, as all artists have taught.
Draw what you know.
Can you see what he drew that he knows??

Monday, November 5, 2012


As a matter of speaking, the computer is healed and so am I, pictures from the last few days coming November 6 election day. And to my word they are all coming as we speak, before the night has ended I will be back up to date, and frankly now that I feel better I should be back on a daily track again.
That flu knocked me down low low low low. =)
I'm fine.

Pito voted!!!

I have got to get this little guy on the PEVL (Permanent early voting list) I am not a fan of lines.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Eyeballs and Coffee

@_@ Talk about a picture that tells it's own story, don't you think??

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Finally feeling better

So tonight we played Story Cubes and ate chicken noodle soup.
Have you ever played Story Cubes? You take the cubes and roll them and then make up a story or a sentence or use your imagination and write a short story. Either way we like to play with the cubes and use our imagination. Tonight we rolled them and then tried to put them in alphabetical order.
There are so many ways to be creative and have fun, and these are portable.
This is my second favorite game to scrabble.

Friday, November 2, 2012

We saw Wreck it Ralph and LOVED IT

I will NOT tell you anything but this.
I loved the animation, I loved the music, I loved the storyline, I loved the characters, I will be owning this movie.
That's it.
You decide for yourself.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Legos for a present?

Okay they are girl Legos, but I love them and Pito doesn't know or care, he wants to build and I can hardly wait to put these gifts together, as soon as I am feeling better we are going to have more horses in the house.
I can barely wait, aren't these the cutest ever??
I love this so much because it is being creative.
Maybe we can draw this house in the sketchbook later on??